Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Everyone has their own set of expectations; whether they are within you, for others such as a friend or significant other, co-worker and/or boss.

As I get older my expectations have changed a great deal. I expect 110% from myself, and am not disappointed when that is not returned. I say this because I have found through my life that having the expectations for others that I carry for myself has caused a great deal of pain in my life. From broken marriages, friendships, and career changes, I tend to leave before the hurt is overbearing.

I am blessed to have very close friends, co-workers, and bosses that I know would be there for me through anything.  My family is my backbone, and supports me even when they don’t necessarily agree with what I’m doing.

People always say I am so strong, that I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I think this is what I portray on the outside, but sometimes on the inside I feel like I’m falling apart. I feel like I have disappointed so many loved ones in my life, that I have a great fear of this. I think this is why I set my expectations for myself at 110%. When I can’t reach that or I feel as if I’m not maintaining this, I stress!

This brings me to my point I want to express in my blog this week. We are so fast to judge people in life today. Truth is we have no idea what they are struggling with personally. We don’t know if they are one paycheck from losing everything, if they battle depression or a severe illness, or if they just lost a loved one. We are so fast to assume…… Life is not all doom and gloom and I don’t want to make it seem like this is what I’m saying. Life is completely what you make it! Expectations are what you set! Don’t let others stand in the way of your successes. Don’t be afraid to love with all of your heart! Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re not good enough or you can’t do something.

This move has been a huge challenge for me and my job has been very overwhelming, but I’m not a quitter. I spend many hours a day looking at my students telling them never give up on your dreams. Don’t let people tell you that you’re not capable of reaching the goals you set for yourself.

We all have our past; we all have taken our own path to get to where we are today. There is no book that says we have to all have the same expectations or take the same path to succeed in life. When you don’t feel like you can take another step, or live the life you are living…breathe, re-evaluate, make new goals, keep your expectations, and believe you are worth it!

I hope that everyone has a great week, and remember each and every one of you are worth it! Don’t give up just re-evaluate if you need too!

Making the most of her dash....

I love you all,


Monday, September 2, 2013

The Have and the Have Nots.....

You never know what life is going to throw your way.  If you live life always wondering about the have nots and not your haves, you won’t appreciate all you do have.  I’ve gone through my life with much heartache, some completely out of my control; such as death of a loved one and then others completely in my control; such as a bad decision.  Most have made me just want to fight harder when things get tough, others have made me a bit numb, and some have made me hold on tighter to those I love.

Cheryl was a person that lived life appreciating all that she did have.  Even when she was battling cancer, she would find something to make that glass half full.  I feel she left so many messages about life through her death.  Everywhere Cheryl went she planted some kind of seed.  It was as simple a gesture of saying hello to a stranger, or working with a challenging student making them believe they had a chance, or just sitting with a friend listening as they were going through some kind of trial in their life.

As I get older the phrase “Live for the Moment” has become more and more meaningful.  Why continue to wish for the “have nots”, stressing about things that are not going to change and start living for all your “haves”, making the most of every moment.  Maybe it’s not the ideal situation, marriage or relationship, or life you dreamed of having, but some of the hardest times make the best of memories if you just hang in.  As you go through this next week try to focus on your “haves” not your “have nots”, and see how much happier your week can be.

Have a great week of “Haves”!
Making the Most of her Dash,
Love you all!