Monday, October 14, 2013

Fox 2 St Louis......

This is a very exciting week for Cheryl's Bras and for my family. Back in August, Fox 2 News in St Louis was asking for stories about Breast Cancer for a special they would be airing in October. I had several friends from back home email me the link and tell me I needed to write in. After some thought, I did. A couple of weeks ago the news station called me and asked if I would come on as their guest and tell my sisters' story. I said YES! this link may allow people to see me on Friday.

This Friday I will be on the five o'clock news talking about my sister Cheryl and how we started Cheryl's Bras in honor and memory of her. What sticks out the most me is the promise my sister made me before she passed. I was sitting by her bedside and I asked her if she would still be there for me when she died and how was I going to get her advice when she wasn't here anymore. She looked at me and said, Adrienne, "I have always been here for you on earth, why would I not be here for you in Heaven." It made perfect sense and she has kept this promise. As you can tell, I haven't written many entries in my blog since I moved to Florida in June. It has been a difficult transition for me, missing my friends, starting a new school, missing my old students and co-teachers, missing my son Tanner that still lives in Missouri. I haven't felt much like I could share motivating thoughts or complain to people that have much bigger, important issues that they are dealing with in their lives. With that being said a couple of weeks ago I hit rock bottom. I was severely depressed and just wanted to throw in the towel. I wanted to quit teaching, give up my dream of Cheryl's Bras and just crawl in bed and cry. I had a dream that very night that seemed so real, the kind that you wake up and look around because you felt like you were really there. My sister came to me, she had a clear message. That very day, I had one of the best days at my new school, joined the gym, and received a call from Fox 2 News.  Some might think that was just me trying to connect it all, but to me it was my sister keeping her promise.

Cheryl never felt sorry for herself. She always looked at the glass half full, never half empty. She appreciated life to the very last second she was here on earth. She always gave me that extra boost when I needed it. I am so honored to tell all of the Fox 2 viewers about my sister and share her spirit with everyone. I hope to be able to provide hope to those that maybe struggling, encouragement to those that need that extra push and support to those battling cancer. 

Even though I have missed my August deadline of getting Cheryl's Bras production completed. I am still positive and focused that we will be able to work out the financing and get Cheryl's Bras in the hands of everyone that needs them.

May you live this week to the fullest! Make the most of your dash.

I love you all,



Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Everyone has their own set of expectations; whether they are within you, for others such as a friend or significant other, co-worker and/or boss.

As I get older my expectations have changed a great deal. I expect 110% from myself, and am not disappointed when that is not returned. I say this because I have found through my life that having the expectations for others that I carry for myself has caused a great deal of pain in my life. From broken marriages, friendships, and career changes, I tend to leave before the hurt is overbearing.

I am blessed to have very close friends, co-workers, and bosses that I know would be there for me through anything.  My family is my backbone, and supports me even when they don’t necessarily agree with what I’m doing.

People always say I am so strong, that I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I think this is what I portray on the outside, but sometimes on the inside I feel like I’m falling apart. I feel like I have disappointed so many loved ones in my life, that I have a great fear of this. I think this is why I set my expectations for myself at 110%. When I can’t reach that or I feel as if I’m not maintaining this, I stress!

This brings me to my point I want to express in my blog this week. We are so fast to judge people in life today. Truth is we have no idea what they are struggling with personally. We don’t know if they are one paycheck from losing everything, if they battle depression or a severe illness, or if they just lost a loved one. We are so fast to assume…… Life is not all doom and gloom and I don’t want to make it seem like this is what I’m saying. Life is completely what you make it! Expectations are what you set! Don’t let others stand in the way of your successes. Don’t be afraid to love with all of your heart! Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re not good enough or you can’t do something.

This move has been a huge challenge for me and my job has been very overwhelming, but I’m not a quitter. I spend many hours a day looking at my students telling them never give up on your dreams. Don’t let people tell you that you’re not capable of reaching the goals you set for yourself.

We all have our past; we all have taken our own path to get to where we are today. There is no book that says we have to all have the same expectations or take the same path to succeed in life. When you don’t feel like you can take another step, or live the life you are living…breathe, re-evaluate, make new goals, keep your expectations, and believe you are worth it!

I hope that everyone has a great week, and remember each and every one of you are worth it! Don’t give up just re-evaluate if you need too!

Making the most of her dash....

I love you all,


Monday, September 2, 2013

The Have and the Have Nots.....

You never know what life is going to throw your way.  If you live life always wondering about the have nots and not your haves, you won’t appreciate all you do have.  I’ve gone through my life with much heartache, some completely out of my control; such as death of a loved one and then others completely in my control; such as a bad decision.  Most have made me just want to fight harder when things get tough, others have made me a bit numb, and some have made me hold on tighter to those I love.

Cheryl was a person that lived life appreciating all that she did have.  Even when she was battling cancer, she would find something to make that glass half full.  I feel she left so many messages about life through her death.  Everywhere Cheryl went she planted some kind of seed.  It was as simple a gesture of saying hello to a stranger, or working with a challenging student making them believe they had a chance, or just sitting with a friend listening as they were going through some kind of trial in their life.

As I get older the phrase “Live for the Moment” has become more and more meaningful.  Why continue to wish for the “have nots”, stressing about things that are not going to change and start living for all your “haves”, making the most of every moment.  Maybe it’s not the ideal situation, marriage or relationship, or life you dreamed of having, but some of the hardest times make the best of memories if you just hang in.  As you go through this next week try to focus on your “haves” not your “have nots”, and see how much happier your week can be.

Have a great week of “Haves”!
Making the Most of her Dash,
Love you all!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's been way too long.....

It’s been two months since my last Blog entry…

I must apologies to everyone for the long delay between entries.  I will make every attempt to get back in to my weekly postings.

The move this summer has been harder on me then I had thought it would be.  I spent 40 years of my life in Missouri and had to leave a lot of family and friends behind.   We still keep in touch obviously but it’s not the same as being able to see them in person.  I just haven’t been in the mood or right frame of mind to be posting every week.  Add to that the extra stress of the transition, came my new teaching  position at an at-risk school and it’s just been too much.

I don’t know if I mentioned before but my youngest son moved out last year and decided it was time he lived with his father in Springfield, Missouri.  This meant I had to leave him behind in Missouri.  We don’t talk as much as I would like but he did come down for a visit this summer and I got to spend some much needed time with him.  I miss and love him dearly but for now he is better off with his Father.

We are still having trouble getting the financing for the first big order.  A small business just doesn’t have much of a chance against the bigger suppliers.  We have made attempt to get appointments with some good Bra stores but have made little progress.  So we missed our planned roll out at the National Women’s Survivors Show that was this month.  Instead of making another scheduled date and miss it we are now just working as hard as we can to get things done in a timely manner. 

I was almost hesitant making a promise of a roll out to start with, simply because my sister Cheryl, the whole inspiration of what I am wanting to do in the first place would have never made a promise she couldn’t keep to anyone.

I guess this is one more reason to tell you never give up on your dreams, your desires and your passions. You will hit road blocks throughout, but quitters never feel that since of accomplishment. When life gets hard, you just get harder!

After some long careful decisions we have decided to make a big pitch that could possibly get our ball rolling.  I don’t want to go in to much detail now and it just seem like I am making more promises, so you will have to keep checking back for updates and more information on that.

So for now, again I am sorry for not keeping up with this like I should have been….

I love you all and remember keep making the most of your dash!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finding strength within yourself and allowing yourself to be part of God’s plan…….

It’s been quite a few weeks since I have written in our blog. My husband is from Florida, his parents and children are here, so now we all together. The move took about 18 hours, and we arrived late at night. For those of you that know me, I think I had the home together by the next afternoon. It has not been the easiest transition, as I have been pretty homesick. I lived in Missouri for 40 years, and this is the beginning of a new journey for all of us.

I have had a training day for my new teaching position, and as I sat there I found myself getting frustrated about having to start over and leave a place where I felt not only comfortable but a place I loved.

God opens doors for us and brings people into our lives for a reason, and even though we don’t have immediate answers, we have to trust in him that he knows what is to follow. This is my time to trust in him and believe he knows my plan.

On a positive note, I love our new home and my classroom is beautiful. Everyone I have met at my new school has been very friendly and has welcomed me with open arms.

My oldest son, Alex, has enrolled in college to be a paramedic and has also gotten a job at one of my favorite restaurants, Cheddars.

The past couple of weeks have given me plenty of time to think about who I am and what I need to be as a person, mother, friend, teacher and wife. Most of us probably attribute our problems to other people or to bad luck or to the circumstances surrounding us. Truth is we create our own successes or failure. The road to success and positive living begins with an analysis of ourselves and depends ultimately on how we think of ourselves.

I read a book once that talked about how you build confidence in yourself. It talked about first you need to take your mind off the things that seem to be against you. Thinking about negative factors simply builds them up into a power they need not have!  Instead, mentally affirm and reaffirm your love for God, the ability of your mind and talents, the goodwill of your friends and family, your physical health, your strengths, your future and your possibilities. Put yourself in God’s hands and trust in him that he had this plan long thought out before you came into this world!

Life throws many curve balls and sometimes we have to grab a hold of that strength we didn’t even know we were carrying within ourselves.

God has blessed me with so many wonderful people in my life and I know that Florida will become my home and I will be so thankful for this open door.

When going through hard times or making a new move in your life, find that strength within yourself and believe in God and his plan for you!

Making the most of my dash....
I love you all,


Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 15...walking through that door

Well it’s Monday and last week got passed me, so here is last week’s
blog coming out now. Sometimes we go through life and wonder why
things happen to us the way they do. Well I’m a true believer that God
opens doors for us all the time, it’s up to us to “listen” and “trust”
and walk through.

Last Monday, I gave my notice to the school district I have worked at
for the last three years. It was really hard for me to do. I love my
job; it is so much more than a job. The students I teach hold a very
dear place in my heart. We have been through so many trials and
tribulations together and to see them accomplish such huge hurdles is
such an amazing feeling. I feel like I’m leaving when I haven’t
finished what I started. The staff is like my extended family, I’ve
watched some get married, have children, get promotions, graduate with
higher levels of education and much, much more.
When I was in Florida interviewing the week before, one of the
Principals I met with said something to me that will stick with me
forever. He said I can tell your struggling, I replied, yes I am, I’m
not finished with my students back home. He said, Adrienne, you need
to look at this as you have helped many students where you are now,
and have built a foundation for them. There are student/students down
here that need you too. It made perfect sense. My move to Florida is

Life throws many curve balls, and people go through things that
sometimes I wonder how they get up in the morning. I look at some of
the students I have taught over the years and what they have dealt in
their lifetime and wonder how they even get to school more less do the
work they are asked to complete.

I have talked a lot about my sister Cheryl and her family, and how she
has helped me get to this point in my life. I have another incredibly
strong sister that lives in the same hometown in Kansas City that
Cheryl did, her name is Tracy. She and I were the closest in age, and
grew up in the house at the same time. We have had our share of fights
but we are very tight and I look to her for advice all the time. She
works for Hospice and has a heart of gold. Her husband is a police
officer for Platte County and she has two sons, Dylan and Jake.

Dylan has always been very dear to me; I remember before I had
children of my own, I would just go over to their house and watch TV
with him for hours. He and I have always remained close through all of
the families’ disagreements. Dylan is now in Ft Benning, Georgia and
was promoted to a Sgt in the US Army this past week. Dylan has been in
the Army now for two years as a Tank driver. He is one that has always
taken chances, believing in himself and showing others he can do
whatever he puts his mind too. I can’t express how proud of him that I
am and how he is a true inspiration to me.

Jake is my other nephew and he is also one that if he puts his mind to it, he will make it happen. He is 11, but very mature for his age. He is driven towards success
and works very hard to master all sports. He is currently playing on
two baseball teams, and has batting practice at least twice a week.
I love my family and I’m so thankful that I have them. Family is
forever regardless of your difference; they shouldn’t judge you and
should be there for you when you fall. I have been very blessed in my
lifetime to have so many people that I can call my family even those
that are not blood related.
As I start this new chapter in my life and walk through that door, I
pray that I can continue to make a difference in young children’s
lives through teaching and others with Cheryl’s Bras.
I had my last follow up appointment today from my very last surgery, I
hope. It went very well; I will not have to follow up again until
November. I left a gift for my doctor, and asked that she share the
bras with those that cannot afford a bra. My doctor has a charity
called Gateway to Hope, which throws lifelines to those who have heard
the four dreaded words, “You have breast cancer” and who are
frightened because they have nowhere to turn for the treatment they
need to survive. I asked that she give Cheryl’s bras to three woman
she felt needed them. She told me she would be happy too.

We don’t always understand God’s plan for us but if we “listen” and
“trust” and walk through that door, we will one day see what he has in
store for us.
Ephesians 1:5
His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by
bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.
Never give up hope, until next time, have a great week,” listen”,”
trust”, and take that chance!


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 14 me.....walk thru that door

This weeks blog is about trust. Trusting the path God sets for us. He opens doors of opportunity for us, it's our choice whether or not to listen and walk thru that door. I truly believe all that I have endured in the past six years since Cheryl has died has gotten me to this point in my life. I feel Cheryl is alive again, guiding me through this next huge step in our families lives. I feel it's my faith and trust in God that will make all this happen.

My husband and friends ran this past week in a 4K TapnRun. I had originally scheduled to run also but my surgery date ended up being to close to the race and I couldn't attend. My very good friends Stephanie Moran and Kim Gough came over and decorated shirts and painted Bras to make a "Cheryl's Bras" team uniform. Kim's husband Matt, who we call our own superhero because he is both a Fireman and a Police Officer agreed to run in my place. During the race a complete stranger came up from behind my husband and asked if the Cheryl's painted on his shirt was "Adrienne's Cheryl's Bras?" he replied "why yes it is and I'm her husband!". Cheryl's Bras are not even available yet, and even still, we are providing hope,support, and encouragement. I am getting so excited about our August roll out! We have made a couple changes to a particular style based on some recommendations we got from a few test subjects, so when they do come out the issues will already be taken care of.

My nephew Nick played baseball all his life, starting at Nebraska, then playing for the T-Bones for a short time. There was an article written about my nephew a couple of years ago, it talked about him making the game winning hit for his first professional game while wearing a symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness and research on his jersey. Nick quoted to the editor, "I've had some tough times the past few years, but that was a special moment." "I could feel my mom. She is definitely looking over my shoulder.". This same nephew thanked me this week for carrying on his Mother's legacy.

I miss my sister so much and I would do anything to have her back, but it's through her promise and my trust in God, that Cheryl's bras is my open door. It's through her amazing love and spirit I hope to help women all over the world.

If it isn't through a bra, then maybe I can just bring hope to someone battling this awful disease.

Making the most of her dash....

Love you all,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 13....My Surgery...My Family......My Life

This week brings all kinds of emotion to the forefront. A week ago Tuesday, I had my fifth and hopefully final breast surgery. Each time I go into surgery I can’t help but think of what all my sister Cheryl endured and how strong she always remained. It was her faith in God, her family and life that always brought her out on top.

The weekend before my surgery we went to visit my nephews, their wives, my sister Tracy and her husband. What an amazing weekend we all had together! It was probably one of the most fun filled weekends I have had in a long time. We watched my great nephew Landon play basketball, baseball, and any other kind of ball he could find. We shopped, ate, and just enjoyed each others company.

My sister Tracy and our families went out to visit Greg (our brother-n-law) and his new wife, Cindy. We had a great time. Their home is beautiful; it sits in the country with pastures all around. We laughed all night, my stomach hurt the next day I laughed so hard.

I brought my nephew Todd, his mother’s toy box she had since she was a child. Now, it sits in his home where he can fill it with all his sons’ toys and have a piece of his mother that he can share with his own children for many years to come.

I gave Nick’s wife, Kristi a bracelet that my sister wore nearly everyday. Kristi is truly a gift from my sister, that I feel my sister hand picked for her son. I know that Cheryl would want her to have it as she will be able to also carry a piece of Cheryl with her forever.

I know this blog was started for the purpose of our company’s journey and it will still tell our story but this is also about my personal struggles and successes, and that life will throw curve balls even in the best of people’s lives but its how we get through and become stronger individuals that matter. Cheryl’s bras was started after a  tragic, heart wrenching death and taking that death and making a difference for woman, helping them  kick cancers butt and feeling beautiful through it!

This week has been a very emotional week for me. Family is forever, regardless of your difference. Life can be difficult at times and sometimes that family forever doesn’t always work out. I wanted so bad to be able to pick up the phone and just ask Cheryl what do I do? What do I do with all of these feelings? She was always so good at giving advice and looking at the glass half full instead of half empty.

I am so blessed to have an amazing husband, children, mother and father-n-law, nephews, nieces, friends and a sister that listens for hours if she has too.

Even though we don’t always have the answers, even though we are not exactly sure how the future is going to unfold, we are taught at an early age to trust.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Cheryl’s Bras has given me that hope again, to be able to make a difference in people’s lives and even though we are still working on all the many details for the roll out in August of 2013, I hope my blog can touch someone that might be having that “bad day or week”. There is always HOPE! You can’t change people, you can’t change the cruelty that life can bring, but you can hold on to HOPE and believe that God has your plan, and you will be okay. Until next week, have a great week, I plan on it!

Love Adrienne


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 12......Wife's Surgery and what makes family.....

Hello Again....

Its Mike "The Husband"  lol.  Adrienne had her 5th and God willing final surgery this past Tuesday.  She is doing really well and is extremely happy with the results.  Adrienne is in our bed room resting so I decided to handle this weeks blog.

When they came and got me to sit with her in the pre-op room, I walked in on Adrienne giving one of her "Stay in School" talks to her nurse.  It turns out her Nurse had decided to go back to school to further her education and somehow in the brief time they were together it came out and Adrienne was expressing her personal views on education and how very important it is.  She is laying there, IV in her arm, a silly surgical cap on her head and is doing her best to help some complete stranger.......That's my wife everyday...

The dictionary list family as:

1. a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head.
2. a group of persons of common ancestry.
3. a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock.
4. a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation.
For us family has never been about blood relations.  Yes certainly we have blood relatives but our family is so much more than that.  Let me introduce you to some of our family and the people that love my wife and touch her heart every day....


For the last three days I have been putting these pics together with help from a few little elves.  These are our parents and our kids, sisters and nephews, friends, neighbors, students at her school, teachers she works with,  people I do business with in China, the Pastor and his wife from our Church, a fellow blogger, friends in a Social Security Office in Michigan, friends in a Salon in Michigan, a boutique in Nixa that my wife likes to shop at and one bearded guy from Azerbaijani that just wanted to bless my wife.

All these people took time out of there lives to take these pictures.  They all love my wife and she loves them. My wife is that rare person, when she tells you she loves you, whether your a child she meets at school all the way to her lucky Husband.....she truly means it....

That's what makes family....

Trying to make the most of his dash....
