Monday, September 2, 2013

The Have and the Have Nots.....

You never know what life is going to throw your way.  If you live life always wondering about the have nots and not your haves, you won’t appreciate all you do have.  I’ve gone through my life with much heartache, some completely out of my control; such as death of a loved one and then others completely in my control; such as a bad decision.  Most have made me just want to fight harder when things get tough, others have made me a bit numb, and some have made me hold on tighter to those I love.

Cheryl was a person that lived life appreciating all that she did have.  Even when she was battling cancer, she would find something to make that glass half full.  I feel she left so many messages about life through her death.  Everywhere Cheryl went she planted some kind of seed.  It was as simple a gesture of saying hello to a stranger, or working with a challenging student making them believe they had a chance, or just sitting with a friend listening as they were going through some kind of trial in their life.

As I get older the phrase “Live for the Moment” has become more and more meaningful.  Why continue to wish for the “have nots”, stressing about things that are not going to change and start living for all your “haves”, making the most of every moment.  Maybe it’s not the ideal situation, marriage or relationship, or life you dreamed of having, but some of the hardest times make the best of memories if you just hang in.  As you go through this next week try to focus on your “haves” not your “have nots”, and see how much happier your week can be.

Have a great week of “Haves”!
Making the Most of her Dash,
Love you all!


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