Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finding strength within yourself and allowing yourself to be part of God’s plan…….

It’s been quite a few weeks since I have written in our blog. My husband is from Florida, his parents and children are here, so now we all together. The move took about 18 hours, and we arrived late at night. For those of you that know me, I think I had the home together by the next afternoon. It has not been the easiest transition, as I have been pretty homesick. I lived in Missouri for 40 years, and this is the beginning of a new journey for all of us.

I have had a training day for my new teaching position, and as I sat there I found myself getting frustrated about having to start over and leave a place where I felt not only comfortable but a place I loved.

God opens doors for us and brings people into our lives for a reason, and even though we don’t have immediate answers, we have to trust in him that he knows what is to follow. This is my time to trust in him and believe he knows my plan.

On a positive note, I love our new home and my classroom is beautiful. Everyone I have met at my new school has been very friendly and has welcomed me with open arms.

My oldest son, Alex, has enrolled in college to be a paramedic and has also gotten a job at one of my favorite restaurants, Cheddars.

The past couple of weeks have given me plenty of time to think about who I am and what I need to be as a person, mother, friend, teacher and wife. Most of us probably attribute our problems to other people or to bad luck or to the circumstances surrounding us. Truth is we create our own successes or failure. The road to success and positive living begins with an analysis of ourselves and depends ultimately on how we think of ourselves.

I read a book once that talked about how you build confidence in yourself. It talked about first you need to take your mind off the things that seem to be against you. Thinking about negative factors simply builds them up into a power they need not have!  Instead, mentally affirm and reaffirm your love for God, the ability of your mind and talents, the goodwill of your friends and family, your physical health, your strengths, your future and your possibilities. Put yourself in God’s hands and trust in him that he had this plan long thought out before you came into this world!

Life throws many curve balls and sometimes we have to grab a hold of that strength we didn’t even know we were carrying within ourselves.

God has blessed me with so many wonderful people in my life and I know that Florida will become my home and I will be so thankful for this open door.

When going through hard times or making a new move in your life, find that strength within yourself and believe in God and his plan for you!

Making the most of my dash....
I love you all,


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