Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week 8 Part 2.....note from the Husband and no I haven't eaten dog....

That's the question I get the most when someone finds out I come to China so much..."Have you ever eaten dog?". Answer is no.....I have been places where it is severed and until this trip it's not talked about very much. Always been told its only done by the older Chinese people. Seems its making a comeback. I was told by two different people in their 30's that I have to try it, it's "very delicious". So next trip I promised to give it a try! Have to stay tuned to see if it happens I Guess...

Any way back to Cheryl's business. The factory was great just what I was hoping to find. Family owned and operated. Factory full of Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Everybody was happy and just working away. Which means good product and consistent labor force for us. Both very important!

Like I said in part 1, other then how to get my wife's bra off fast I don't have much experience in Bras. A woman by the name of Candy has worked for us for years and she agreed to help me with the meeting and be my translator. She was a huge help! With the help of Mr. Knee (pictured below with no glasses) and the Factory designer that had no English name (also below but with glasses) we have made a few structural changes to two styles that will make them even more comfortable! Switched all the hardware from plated steel to stainless steel stopping any chance of rust and increasing the durability of the latching system. I had to do this without the Bosses approval but I figured I was now In Charge of Asian Production so....the change is made! Lol

The trip for Cheryl's was a huge success, with a little bit of luck we will be ready for the August Survivor Show! Have to wait now for another set of revised samples. Send over the art work for the packaging and then wait for those up our first order by Size! Ugh if anybody knows how many A,B,C and D's we will need please feel free to comment!

Speaking of Comments....Adrienne loves interacting with all of you.....I guarantee she would reply back to almost all comments!

It's getting early and as usual I haven't slept but I wanted to get this out while it was fresh in my wind. That wraps up the China news. I have a few more days on this trip but that's all hardware stuff...

Thanks for reading and putting up with my guest host blogging....until next trip.....Later....Mike

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