Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 9.....Time to Place an order, China and Cheryl never stops showingme she is with me.....

It's been 9 weeks now we have been writing this blog. In the last two months our readership has grown to over 1000 people! That just amazes me and I love each and everyone of you, thank you so very much for keeping up with us and showing interest in our company.

Well Mike is back from China and down in Florida. He has two sons and his parents down there so he splits his time between Missouri and Florida. This Sunday starts my spring break, so I will be headed down also. Can't wait to see them all and have a week away from school! It's time this girl had some time off!

China went really well. Mike did a great job for us as always. Like he said in his entry, we are changing all the metal clips to stainless steel, have re-designed two of the styles to make them even more comfortable and on the larger sizes we are making the straps wider to eliminate the strap from cutting in to the shoulder area. All positive changes and won't affect our selling price at all.

Now we need your help! We are working up our first order. This will be an inventory order. We don't want to miss helping anyone. So if you could please, either email your size to or even easier just comment your size on this blog. It would be a huge help to us in the beginning.

One of the drawbacks of having to split time in two places is, that Mike and I sometime spend certain holidays apart. I'm not talking major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. This past weekend was St. Patrick's day. Not a huge holiday but a fun one when your an adult. I have great friends and they never let me stay home and just miss my husband. They took me out to a small town near our home for a few drinks and a night of fun. While out walking the local shops we ran into a woman one of my friends knew. Started talking to her and it turns out she is also a Breast Cancer survivor! We chatted, exchanged our stories and hugs of support. I gave her one of my cards with our website on it and she promised to keep in touch. In her store I saw the below pictured plate! Every time I tell Mike that I love him he always answers with "Love you More", he explained that he doesn't mean more than I love him, he means more then any man before him. You know I believe him. He's an amazing husband, puts up with me when at times nobody else does. Later that same evening we were having dinner, we started talking about Mike and China. A gentlemen at a close table overheard us. He was also in the garment industry, had traveled to China and was interested in Mike's work. We talked for a few minutes exchanged cards and he may be able to help us along our Journey! It's these types of meetings and events that assure me Cheryl is always with me and directing on this path I have chosen. I miss her so very much and I'm so proud to be carrying on in her Name and love.

Please help us by sending us your bra sizes! That it for this week!

Remember what Cheryl always says....make the most of your dash....

I love you all,


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